Adult Ministries

Adult Sunday School

Meeting after the morning worship service, we watch a video and have a discussion. We are using Paul David Tripp’s “The Gospel One Book at a Time” studying 1 Peter.

Men’s Prayer Group

We meet every 2nd and 4th Tuesday evenings at 7:00 for a time of discussion and time of prayer. We will be using the book Do You Believe? by Paul David Tripp.

Young At Heart

Our seniors that feel young or not so young meet for breakfast and a time of fellowship together.

Young Couples

Young Cups is a group of believers that love the Lord and love each other.  We're not all necessarily young in age but we're all young in our life stage.

Encouragement Team

This ministry involves building relationships with and encouraging our shut-ins through regular visits.

Women’s Bible Study

Women of all ages meet together to study God's word on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of the month from 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm.

Young Adults

Our purpose is to grow our relationship with God and other believers and encourage each other in our faith and hold on to our hope in Jesus Christ. For singles and couples ages 18-35.