Welcome to First CRC
Loving God. Loving People
This love fuels a desire to share the message of
Jesus’ saving grace with those around us.
Use the link below to watch our live stream worship services on You Tube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3VS7Havyc9KiErSvDtoeVQ
Address: 5486 32nd Avenue Hudsonville, MI 49426
Phone: 616.669.6557
Church Services: 9:30 am and 5:00 pm
Office hours: Monday 9:30am-3:00pm, Wednesday and Thursday 9:30am-2:00pm
Bulletin announcements: fcrhudsonville@att.net
Email address: info@firstcrchudsonville.org (for general questions about First CRC)
Staff email addresses: https://firstcrchudsonville.org/staff
Facebook: First CRC of Hudsonville
We would like to get to know you!
Please complete and submit this form so we can connect with you. If you have questions about First, you may put your comments in the message section of the form. Thank you.
Morning Sermon Series
The power of God makes things new - our hearts, lives and future. God transforms, restores and breathes new life into people. Through Scripture, we’ll discover how God can bring hope, purpose and a fresh start, no matter our past or present circumstances.
Evening Sermon Series
IJesus’ Sermon on the Mount is a bold, life-transforming declaration of life lived in the power and presence of God. Jesus’ sermon is a radical challenge to walk in the Jesus way in a fallen world that desperately needs God’s light, power and hope.